Introduction to Library Definitions

All bindings by Slinc take place in library traits, groups of like methods that reflect C functions. When defining a library trait, name is not particularly important. One merely defines an object that derives Lib. Method bindings are done via a method binding with a name matching the C function in question, and parameters with types that match the C function in question.

trait StdLib derives Lib:
  def abs(i: CInt): CInt

The above defines a binding to the C standard library's abs method. Since the C definition of abs is defined like int abs(int i), the scala version of the method is defined with a single input that has the type CInt and the return type CInt.


In Slinc, you are allowed to use most of the primitive types to bind to C functions. These types should be used to represent Integer or Floating-point types of specific widths. Refer to the following table to see the corresponding byte-widths:

JDK Primitive Width Kind
Byte 1 byte Integer
Short 2 bytes Integer
Int 4 bytes Integer
Long 8 bytes Integer
Float 4 bytes Floating Point
Double 8 bytes Floating Point

When creating a binding, you should make sure the bit-width and kind of type matches the C function you're wanting to bind to.

Host dependent types

Using the built in JVM primitives for a binding is quick and easy if you know the platform you're targeting well, but they will not result in a platform independent binding. It's for this reason you should use host dependent types. These types will map to the current platform wherever they're used, if you're running on a Slinc supported platform. Below is a table of host dependent types and their corresponding C types.

|Slinc|C| |-----|-| |CChar|char| |CShort|short| |CInt|int| |CLong|long| |CLongLong|long long| |CFloat|float| |CDouble|double| |SizeT|size_t| |TimeT|time_t|

Since these types are only guaranteed to be defined at runtime, interacting with them can be difficult.


Pointers are represented in Slinc with the Ptr type. For example, Ptr[Int] is a pointer to native memory that should be readable as a JVM Int.

The pointer class' operations are powered by the DescriptorOf typeclass.

The list of operations available on a Ptr[A]:

  • apply(n: Bytes) - offsets the pointer by n bytes
  • to[A] - casts the pointer to type A
  • !ptr - dereferences a pointer (requires Receive[A] be defined)
  • !ptr = 5 - copy data into a pointer (requires Send[A] be defined)
  • Ptr.blank[A](n: Int) - create a blank space in native memory that can store n consecutive instances of A (requires LayoutOf[A] be defined)
  • Ptr.copy[A](a: A) - create a copy of a in native memory (requires Send[A])
  • Ptr.asArray(size: Int) - attempts to copy the data at the pointer into an Array of size size (requires Receive[A]). This is a very dangerous operation that can crash your program if you don't have all the data you need.


The analog for C structs in Slinc are case classes that derive the Struct type class. An example analog for the div_t struct in the C standard library is defined as such:

case class div_t(quot: Int, rem: Int) derives Struct

These struct analogs can be composed with any type that has a DescriptorOf defined for it.


The va_list type for C is supported via the VarArgs and VarArgsBuilder types.

A C function that takes a va_list parameter like below

int pass_va_list(int count, va_list args);

Can be bound to with code like the following:

import fr.hammons.slinc.*

trait Test derives FSet:
  def pass_va_list(count: CInt, args: VarArgs): CInt

In order to allocate and send VarArgs to this function, one uses the VarArgsBuilder type:

import fr.hammons.slinc.runtime.{*,given}
val test = FSet.instance[Test]

  val varArgs = VarArgsBuilder(5,2f).build

  test.pass_va_list(2, varArgs)

More documentation on usage of VarArgs can be found here.